Chiropractic Biophysics: A Revolutionary Approach to Degenerative Disc Disease

Statistically speaking, 80% of you reading this will get degenerative disc disease in your lifetime.  This condition is commonly associated with chronic pain and disability, but what would you say if you found out that this condition was completely avoidable?

In recent years, research has established that the shape of your spinal column influences how quickly and healthily your spine ages. The shape of your spine can be changed through trauma (the car accident you thought you shook off without injury), repetitive activity (that desk job you’ve had for 20 years), and poor posture ( the teenager who is glued to their phone all day). These subtle changes over time are to blame for much of the degenerative changes people experience, but luckily for you, there is a revolutionary approach to correcting these issues and stopping the advancement of degeneration in your spine, and it is called Chiropractic Biophysics.

Chronic Pain And Chiropractic Biophysics

Are you or someone you know suffering from chronic pain, that hasn’t responded to traditional chiropractic care, medication, physical therapy, or injections? If so, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation at one of our first class clinics, so we can evaluate you and see if a Chiropractic BioPhysics approach would improve your pain. Have you had significant trauma in your past? Car accidents? Ski falls? Don’t let the absence of symptoms today convince you that you weren’t injured. Degeneration takes time, and when it finally rears its ugly head you may have a much bigger problem than you do today. If degeneration progresses too far, it can cause the death of nerves and render you permanently impaired and in pain.

How A Chiropractic Biophysics Provider Is Different

A Chiropractic BioPhysics provider is different, we assess the biomechanics of your spine using the most advanced and accurate system on the planet5. From there, we create a custom treatment plan designed to restore the natural curvatures of your spine6. When your spine is restored to its intended shape, much of the dysfunction that other treatments couldn’t overcome, can be improved or even completely resolved.

If you are skeptical that this treatment approach can work for you, I invite you to search our website for the numerous case studies we have posted about solving chronic pain. All of these people came to us with little or no hope, having tried in some cases dozens of times to correct their issues, and we were the answer for them. We can be the answer for you, if you take a chance and give us a call today.


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Keller TS, Colloca CJ, Harrison DE, Harrison DD, Janik TJ. Influence of spine morphology on intervertebral disc loads and stresses in asymptomatic adults: implications for the ideal spine. Spine J. 2005 May-Jun;5(3):297-309. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2004.10.050. PMID: 15863086.
Kumaresan S, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA, Maiman DJ, Goel VK. Contribution of disc degeneration to osteophyte formation in the cervical spine: a biomechanical investigation. J Orthop Res. 2001 Sep;19(5):977-84. doi: 10.1016/S0736-0266(01)00010-9. PMID: 11562150.
Nakamura M., Shimizu K., Toyama Y. (2014) Spinal Kyphosis Causes Demyelination and Neuronal Loss in the Spinal Cord. In: Uchida K., Nakamura M., Ozawa H., Katoh S., Toyama Y. (eds) Neuroprotection and Regeneration of the Spinal Cord. Springer, Tokyo.
Jackson BL, Harrison DD, Robertson GA, Barker WF. Chiropractic biophysics lateral cervical film analysis reliability. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1993 Jul-Aug;16(6):384-91. PMID: 8409786.
Harrison DE, Harrison DD, Betz JJ, Janik TJ, Holland B, Colloca CJ, Haas JW. Increasing the cervical lordosis with chiropractic biophysics seated combined extension-compression and transverse load cervical traction with cervical manipulation: nonrandomized clinical control trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2003 Mar-Apr;26(3):139-51. doi: 10.1016/S0161-4754(02)54106-3. Erratum in: J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005 Mar-Apr;28(3):214. PMID: 12704306.