Diabetes Warning Sign # 1 – An elevated A1C: Nothing is more straight forward than a blood test. Having your A1C checked before you experience physical symptoms is the best way to ensure you are staying healthy. A result of 5.7% or lower means you are not at risk. However, a reading between 5.7% and 6.4% is the pre-diabetic danger zone. Anything above 6.5% indicates full-blown diabetes.
Diabetes Warning Sign # 2 – Fatigue: This is a very common symptom of diabetes. Have you been feeling more tired than usual? Are you still tired after getting plenty of sleep? Scientists are not certain why fatigue hits people with diabetes, but one hypothesis is that the body is focusing energy on the constant fluctuations of blood sugars.
Diabetes Warning Sign # 3 – Excessive or Unwarranted Thirst: Thirst is completely normal …if you have been active, are drinking several dehydrating beverages (like coffee or caffeinated tea), or are forgetting to hydrate. But if you are drinking at least eight eight-ounce classes of water a day, and you are still experiencing a dry mouth and thirst, your body is sending a emergency signal.
Diabetes Warning Sign # 4 – Urinating more than usual: This is particularly common as the body starts to slide into a pre-diabetic phase. When the body tries to remove an excess of glucose, it tries to do so through the bladder. Another signal there is a problem in your body is an onset of one or more urinary track infections.
Diabetes Warning Sign # 5 – Blurry Vision: Your eyes are more than a window to your soul. They are an active victim of diabetes as well. If you are experiencing blurry vision, it may be due to elevated glucose levels. This causes thicker blood which causes the eyes to solicit fluid from surrounding tissues. The end result is an impacted ability to focus.
Is it possible that you are not seeing signs from your body? YES! But remember that a quick and easy A1C blood test can tell you if you are headed towards diabetes.
Can any of the above symptoms signal diseases other than diabetes? Absolutely. The most important thing to remember is that any of these changes are warning signals worth investigating. Your body is ultimately seeking balance with these S.O.S signals. We recommend reviewing your blood tests regularly, and if you have a challenge, talk to a doctor that practice Functional Medicine and see if they can help with understanding the cause of your problem.
TAKEAWAY: Diabetes has been referred to as a “lifestyle disease”. That means that your lifestyle will greatly impact the chances of developing diabetes. In the development of diabetes, there are warning signs along the way – these warning signs (Excessive thirst, blurry vision, frequent urination, fatigue, etc) all work together to give you time to change the course of your story.
Our offer to you: If you’d like to come in, see one of our doctors to discuss diabetes, or how Functional Medicine might support your body in addressing diabetes, then you can do so by claiming our $19 new patient special. Simply select the location you want to visit, give us a call, and we’ll look forward to meeting you!