If you’ve never done a detox, you may be wondering what it is, why you should consider it, and whether it is really beneficial.
The concept is very simple:
Over the years, the body accumulates toxins which imbalance the systems and interfere with the healing process.
The benefits of detoxing can be weight loss, a clearer mind, more energy, less inflammation, improved digestion, healthier skin and more. It’s a big deal.
Detoxing is not easy, though we’ve found ways to make it not too difficult. It requires at least 2 weeks of personal commitment to altering your diet and taking a supplement up to 3 times a day.
The first detox we do with patients eliminates known allergenic foods in an attempt to see if their is a food that is interfering with your body. The detox stimulates the body to flush the liver and other organs to eliminate undesirable things that may have been stored for years.
Detoxes should not be conducted without a doctor’s involvement. The reason for this is that you can have reactions to detoxing, such as cold and flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, headaches, swelling, and more.
The benefits of detoxing the body can be life-changing, in a really positive way. Call today to learn more about how a detox may benefit your health.