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Looking For Functional Medicine?

– Functional Medicine Doctors That Gets Results
– Convenient Location, Family Friendly
​- Doctors That Care

Functional Medicine Colorado Springs West

Looking for a Functional Medicine Doctor in Colorado Springs West-side? Get Top-Rated Care Today, Just Click To Call 719-475-8676 (​Ask For The $19 New Patient Special). You May Also Complete The Form Below To Request An Appointment.

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Thrive Health Systems
4209 Centennial Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: 719-475-8676
Fax: 888-457-7282

Functional Medicine Serving Colorado Springs West Side
Welcome to Thrive Health Systems West location, located on the West side of Colorado Springs! Our West team was founded by Dr. Molly Kallenbach, DC. and we have served hundreds in and around El Paso county with high-quality Functional Medicine services. If you have any questions about what Functional Medicine is or how it works, we have resource that walks you through it here.

​The big idea is very simple – we want to address the body as a whole, not as a single isolated system, but as a system of systems that work inter-dependently to produce a state of health (or otherwise). That’s our focus with Functional Medicine.

Every Functional Medicine patient starts with a comprehensive case review and consultation. From there, we lay out our thoughts on a path forward to get you the answers and clarity you want, as well as some possible solutions.

This location is located in the West Wind Marketplace, on Centennial Blvd. We wanted a place where our patients could enjoy the stunning Pikes Peak views on a clear day, with an environment that is full of energy and life.

We are committed to your health goals, and look forward to serving you well. It may be helpful to review our FAQ below for answers to common questions if you have never been a new patient at our clinic.
How Can Functional Medicine In West Colorado Springs Improve Your Life?
Our docs are trained in a variety of modalities and treatment techniques to help address issues with Functional Medicine.

Common conditions we address include:

– Energy problems
– Digestion
– Sleep quality
– Hormones
– Inflammation
– Cardiovascular issues
– Blood sugar

And More (read about our case studies to see how we can serve you).

Whatever symptoms you may be experiencing, we recommend talking to our Colorado Springs Functional Medicine Doctors to see what a solution would entail.

Meet Your Functional Medicine Practitioners In Colorado Springs
At our West location, located on Centennial and Garden of the Gods park, we have a staff of Chiropractors ready to help you get the results you want.
Dr. Molly Kallenbach, Doctor of Chiropractic
Doctorate of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West Campus

Dr. Kallenbach became a doctor because of her own experience with Chiropractic. After a devastating auto injury, she found herself experiencing sever migraine headaches. After a merry-go-round of different prescription medications, she knew she needed a different solution.

She found a Chiropractor, and within a few weeks her migraines had all but disappeared. A workout enthusiast, this breakthrough had a huge impact on her quality of life, such to the point that she decided she wanted to be a Chiropractor and help other patients achieve these same sorts of outcomes.

Beyond Chiropractic, Dr. Kallenbach developed a passion for other tools that allowed her to serve patients well. Through the years she integrated Functional Medicine, Spinal Decompression, Functional Movement Training, Class IV laser therapy, Ultrasound therapy, and massage therapy into her care, so that she had answers for any patient that was suffering from pain.

In practice, Dr. Kallenbach truly enjoys taking on complex cases, which push her skillsets to the edge. She has also co-managed a number of difficult cases that have resulted in breakthroughs of health for her patients.

Dr. Kallenbach and her husband have three beautiful children and love living in Colorado Springs.
Dr. Krystal Uthe, Doctor of Chiropractic
Undergrade: Lindenwood University, Biology Degree
Post-Graduate: Doctorate of Chiropractic, Logan Collage of Chiropractic, St. Louis, MO

Dr. Krystal Uthe, DC is a Colorado Springs native, having grown up in the Springs and living here most of her adult life. An avid and accomplished athlete, Dr. Uthe sports a competitive drive that has allowed her to become one of the most well-known (and well-liked!) Chiropractors in Colorado while simultaneously winning multiple championships on her softball team.

Dr. Uthe wanted to be able to serve her patients in all their health challenges. Over the years of practice she developed skillsets in Functional Medicine, Spinal Decompression, Class IV laser therapy, Functional Movement Training, Ultrasound therapy, and massage as well.

Dr. Uthe, and her husband Jared, enjoy living in Colorado Springs with their family, including several dogs, chickens, and llamas.

Dr. Bill Twyman, Doctor of Chiropractic

Undergraduate:  West Virginia University, Exercise Physiology Degree (Cum Laude),
Post-Graduate:  Chiropractic Doctorate, Life University Marietta, GA (Magna Cum Laude)

Dr. Bill Twyman has been in practice in Colorado Springs for over five years now.  “Dr. T” grew up in West Virginia, where he participated in a number of sports that left him with low back pain.  After experiencing some life-changing results from a Chiropractor he knew that he wanted to dedicate his professional life to helping others in the same way.

In practice Dr. Twyman has helped hundreds in Colorado Springs transform their health, utilizing an approach is holistic in nature.  He enjoys taking on cases in which a patient is “sick and tired of being sick and tired”, and is ready to get their life back with a natural, doctor-directed approach.


Dr. Bill Twyman, Doctor of Chiropractic

Undergraduate:  University of Central Florida, Sports and Exercise Science Degree
Post-Graduate:  Chiropractic Doctorate, National University of Health Sciences , Pinellas Park, FL.

Dr. Alessis works alongside Dr. Kallenbach in delivering Chiropractic care in Colorado Springs.  He will be the first to tell you his interest in health and wellness began at an early age. As an athlete throughout his entire life and especially at the collegiate level he has experienced the aches and pains that can occur with physical activity as well as day-to-day life.

He studied Exercise Science and Human Performance at the University of Central Florida (UCF) while working as a Certified Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning coach as well as being the captain of the Men’s lacrosse team at UCF.

His passion for chiropractic medicine began soon after he graduated from UCF and suffered a severe shoulder injury playing pick-up lacrosse. After multiple surgeries and bouts of physical therapy he still had this lingering pain and neuropathy in his shoulder, neck and arm that was beginning to affect his career, daily life and most importantly his health. It was not until he began seeing a chiropractic physician in his home town of Tampa, Florida that he truly found an escape from chronic pain.

Directions To Our Clinic Office

From Interstate 25, head West on Garden of the Gods road.  Go down to the Centennial intersection, and turn left at the stoplight.  Take the first left, which will be into the West Wind Marketplace, and then veer right.  We are located between the Walgreens and the Ace Hardware.

Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions

​Q:  Are Chiropractors Qualified To Do Functional Medicine?

A:  Yes.  Doctors of Chiropractic (aka “Chiropractors), may practice Functional Medicine.  All our case studies were achieved with a Chiropractor, trained in Functional Medicine, as the case manager.

Q:  What Does A Chiropractor Treat?

A:  Chiropractors can address a variety of pain and dysfunction under their license.  Some common issues they address are neck pain, back pain, sciatica, migraines, shoulder and joint pain, and can make recommendations that pertain to other issues such as sleep disorders, immune issues, GI problems, and more.

Q:  What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment?

A:  An adjustment is the using a specific, controlled force in a precise direction applied to a specific area of the body (usually the spine, but could also be elbow, knee, hip, or wrist) to create structural alignment and eliminate interference to the nervous system. This creates more mobility and improved function, reduction in pain, and an overall elevation in health and wellness.

Q:  Do Adjustments Hurt?

A:  Adjustments should not hurt.  Most patients feel relief when receiving an adjustment.  Some post-adjustment soreness is common for those starting care, similar to the feeling one gets when starting a new exercise program.

Q:  Are Adjustments Safe?

A:  Yes.  Chiropractic care, provided by a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, is widely recognized as one of the safest, drug-free, non-invasive therapies available to address pain in the body.

Q:  Why Do Adjustments Make That “Popping” or “Cracking” Sound?

A:  That is the sound of air being released from joints.  An adjustment affects the tissues that hold a joint together, and stretching those tissues releases small pockets of air.

Q:  Are All Patients Adjusted The Same Way?

A:  No.  Adjustments are customized based on a patients individual physiology, symptoms, diagnostics, and structure.  Each adjustment is designed for a specific outcome.  A “one size fits all” approach is not something we utilize, or recommend.

Q:  Will One Adjustment Remove All My Pain?

A:  Probably not.  A single tooth-brushing does not eliminate all the plaque from a tooth.  A single workout does not get someone their ideal physique.  A single dosage of pain medication does not permanently remove all pain.

Generally speaking, patients require more care at first (to correct whatever problem is happening in their body), and less over time as their body responds to care.

Q:  Can I See A Chiropractor If I’m Pregnant?

A:  Yes. Many pregnant women utilize Chiropractic care to relieve discomfort during pregnancy, and create an easier, more enjoyable birthing experience.  Our clinic has worked with many pregnant women.

Q:  Will I Need To Remove My Clothing At My Appointment?

A:  No.  In fact, we require you to be fully clothed at all appointments.

Q:  Will I Need To Be Adjusted Forever?

A:  The best way to understand the benefits of Chiropractic care, it’s helpful to put it in the category of “lifestyle” benefits.  Whether it’s regular bathing, tooth brushing, exercise, or sleeping, these activities are simply choices people make to support their health, and their benefits are realized over time.

Chiropractic is both corrective in nature, and preventative in nature.  It can “fix” things, and it can also prevent things from happening in the first place.  Similar to the other activities listed above.

Where Chiropractic care fits into your priorities is 100% your choice, based on your goals, and we support your choice because it is your health.

Q:  Why Would I Need X-Rays?

A:  X-rays are used to understand what is happening within the body.

Check out the following X-ray:

What you see is a compression fracture. If we adjust this patient with a drop-table adjustment, they will be in so much pain they will leave the clinic crawling.  This patient requires a very specific type of adjustment, delivered at a very specific angle, to get any kind of pain relief.  We would never know that, without X-rays.

When it comes to health, we do not want to guess; we want to know we are actually helping a patient, and not making their problems worse. X-rays do that.

We also use them as a measure of progress. If someone has lost disk height, or spinal curvature, and they are experiencing the negative symptoms of that condition, then we want to track and manage the progress over time to improve it.  We use objective diagnostics – like X-Rays – to hold ourselves accountable to progress.




Q:  Does Chiropractic Care Really Work?

A:  Yes.  Please see our documented case studies, or our reviews online.

Q:  How Long Is An Appointment?

A:  It depends the type of appointment.

New patient appointments last 45 minutes.

Reports of Findings appointments last 30-45 minutes.

An adjustment lasts 5-7 minutes.  A Decompression appointment lasts 15 minutes, as does a Class IV laser appointment.

A massage lasts 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 90 minutes (depending on how long a massage you want).

Functional Movement Training lasts 60 minutes.

Functional Medicine Consultations last 15-30 minutes, as does Nutritional Counseling Appointments.

Re-Exam appointments last 15 minutes.