Whenever someone has something internally happening – whether it’s inflammation, diabetes, kidney issues, or the effects of medications, we view it as a problem that is going to be addressed through Functional Medicine, which is a nutraceutical and lifestyle approach to mainstream illness. Using a Functional Medicine approach, we have been able to address cases of diabetes, hashimotos thyroiditis, cardiovascular problems, auto-immune issues, migraines, and other issues.
With Neuropathy, we start by isolating the easy stuff – Structurally-induced Neuropathy, which occurs when some sort of structural dysfunction contributes to the Neuropathy. We will utilize diagnostics to rule out Structural Neuropathy first, and if Structure is thought to be a contributor or cause of the Neuropathy, we will utilize a protocol to address the structural dysfunction and correct it, and observe if that was sufficient in addressing the Neuropathy.
If it is not, then we move on to a Functional Medicine approach.
Functional Medicine and Neuropathy
Functional Medicine (FM) is an approach different than a pharmaceutical, or even surgical approach. It is a natural, non-invasive approach that believes the body can and will heal itself if given the chance. The question in Neuropathy is, why is the body not healing itself? What’s preventing the body from healing this Neuropathy?
To answer that question, we will run a battery of blood tests to isolate whether there is something that is related to the FM “wheelhouse” that could be contributing to the problem. We review which biomarkers are out of alignment, and try to understand the “story” that the bloodwork is telling.
If we believe that the case is addressable through Functional Medicine, we will build out a Functional Medicine plan and seek to resolve the issue through the plan.
There is much research that shows how Chiropractic can help with Neuropathy from a structural standpoint, and those are linked. The point is that Neuropathy has a cause, and isolating the cause and addressing the ROOT cause is the key to handling Neuropathy.
TAKEAWAY: Neuropathy is a common problem, and for those that suffer, Chiropractic or Functional Medicine care may be a viable solution.
Our offer to you: If you’d like to come in, see one of our doctors to discuss Neuropathy pain, or how Chiropractic Care or Functional Medicine might support your body, then you can do so by claiming our $19 new patient special. Simply select the location you want to visit, give us a call, and we’ll look forward to meeting you!