Sick Care Versus Health Care: What You Need To Know To Stay Healthy

Our healthcare system is sometimes referred to as sick care or disease care, because it usually kicks in when a patient is symptomatic – think heart attack, diabetes, cancer, coughing, fever, puking, bleeding, etc.

This can be expensive for the patient, because they are in a state of emergency at this point and broken down.

What costs more: 1) An oil change or 2) Replacing your car engine?

Replacing the car engine on a 2001 Ford Expedition costs 14,000% more than changing its oil. I know, because I had to when a technician forgot to fill my car back up with oil.

What costs more: 1) Walking 5 days a week for 30 minutes, which reduces your risk of heart disease by 50%, or 2) Open heart surgery?

Now, if your engine is blown, you want to be able to take it somewhere where it can be fixed, no matter the price, right? Right.

This is where our healthcare system has shined. We have the coolest, most technologically advanced emergency health care system in the world: cool machines, nano-technology, amazing lasers and scopes, highly-researched prescription drugs, and on and on.

But what if you just maintain your health, rather than seeing a doctor only when you are sick and broken down? Wouldn’t that be a better life experience, not as painful or sickly, and less costly?

Is that even possible? The answer is – to a large extent – “Yes!”

By doing this, you can:

  1. Pay less for health insurance by decreasing your need
  2. Greatly decrease your doctor visits
  3. Increase your life expectancy and quality of life
  4. Live at a healthy manageable weight – look and feel your best
  5. Get out of pain now and avoid severe pain in your later years
  6. Reduce your need for pharmaceutical therapy and prescription drug use, and possibly get off the prescription drugs you are currently on
  7. Avoid or reduce your likelihood of contracting highly-preventable, yet deadly diseases, like heart disease, cancer and diabetes
  8. Feel great! No more dragging around
  9. Experience great peace and hope in your life as you regain your health and keep it into your later years
  10. Be a healthy older person

TAKEAWAY: You can take control of your health by taking responsibility for healthcare. Sick care is more expensive, and yields less desirable results.

Our offer to you: If you’d like to come in, see one of our doctors to discuss how you can enjoy true health care, or how Chiropractic Care or Functional Medicine might support your body, then you can do so by claiming our $19 new patient special. Simply select the location you want to visit, give us a call, and we’ll look forward to meeting you!