Because they cannot feel pain, they do not react to injury. And because they do not react, their body deteriorates.
Pain can be a friend – a guide. But it’s not the only guide. Before there was pain, there was dysfunction. Dysfunction builds, until it gets so bad that the body starts sending pain signals to let you know there is a problem that needs immediate attention.
Chances are, if you walk into our office, it will be because of chronic or acute pain.
And that is OKAY.
We wish you came because of health, but that is likely not the case.
Life is expensive, and it is hard to prioritize your health when you are not experiencing any negative impacts.
Hopefully, we have helped you with your pain, so….
Now What?
If you are like 80% of the people that come through our office, you will leave the moment you stop feeling pain. And then, maybe, we will see you the next time you are in pain.
But for 20%, you will want to get out of pain, and stay out of pain, and the information that you have learned will change the way you think about your body.
Are You a 20-percenter?
If you are one of the 20-percenters, you won’t stop at pain relief. No, you will instead choose to correct the problem long term and maintain those results.
A great example of this is that about 50 out of 100 people in America will go to the dentist in a given year (Readers Digest). Of those who need braces (or could benefit from them), only a small percentage will actually get them.
Of those who actually get them, only a few will actually wear a retainer and maintain them.
You get the idea.
It is very similar in chiropractic.
You came to us, experiencing pain, because your body was outside of its intended design (think of a car’s alignment – if it is out of alignment, it begins to squeal).
We helped you get back into alignment.
But to correct the problem – like braces – will take more effort and more time. If you were to slap braces on and then rip them off, it would do little good in regard to long-term straightening of your teeth and jaw. In fact, having braces often requires special cleaning, rubber bands, bleeding lips and sores.
To correct the curvature of your spine is easier than bleeding lips, but it takes time as well. It is possible, because it has what is called a “plastic” quality. Your ligaments can be reformed.
This takes remodeling, adjusting, and traction.
After we return your spine to “normal,” or healthy, then we simply maintain those results – like a retainer. When we get to maintenance, it requires much less effort your part (and mine) to maintain your results. Your visits will drop down dramatically.
TAKEAWAY: Don’t quit just because the pain stopped. The pain may be gone, but the dysfunction is not.
Our offer to you:
If you’d like to come in, see one of our doctors to discuss how Chiropractic Care or Functional Medicine might support your body, then you can do so by claiming our $19 new patient special. Simply select the location you want to visit, give us a call, and we’ll look forward to meeting you!