Corrective Care Vs Maintenance Care: Which Plan Is Right For Me?

If you are looking for something to take the edge off your cold, you have a boatload of options at your local drugstore. There is NyQuil, DayQuil – I’m just waiting for AfternoonQuil – and a gazillion other over-the-counters, anit-biotics, shots, and prescription meds.

Are they cures?

They stop symptoms for sure, but are they cures? No. And they often come with side-effects.

You’ve heard me say this before, doctors don’t cure patients; we either help or hinder the healing process. True healing is produced by the body.

To find a cure for the common cold, we must first ask different questions

Have you ever heard of the difference between a Corrective Care Plan and a Maintenance Plan?

Both are common in the Chiropractic industry.  They are different tools for two very different types of patients.

A Corrective Care Plan is used for a patient who has issues that should be corrected, such as Neuropathy or Sciatica pain.  Whenever there is dysfunction in the body that will lead (or has already lead) to problems, it should be corrected if possible.  That’s what a Corrective Care Plan is for – to correct a problem.

A Maintenance Care Plan is used for a patient that has no immediate problems or dysfunction – they just need to “maintain” what they have.  The goal here is to simply not go backwards.

Two tools with two very different goals.

POP QUIZ: What happens if you put someone who has dysfunction on a Maintenance Care Plan?

ANSWER:  You get problems!  And the reason is simple:  if you’re trying to “maintain” a state of dysfunction, it can’t really lead to anything but problems over time.

POP QUIZ:  What happens if you put someone who has no dysfunction on a Corrective Care Plan?

ANSWER:  You get problems!  And the reason is also simple: if you give a patient way more treatment than is necessary, it produces problems.  More is not always better, it’s just “more”.

So the key is the right balance of care, which depends on where a patient is at currently, and where they want to go (their goals).

Our aim is to strike the right balance.  To do that, we need to be thorough in our diagnostics, to understand where someone is at physically.  We also need to be thorough with our communication, to understand where someone is at with their health goals.

TAKEAWAY: There is a big difference between Maintenance Care and Corrective Care. Make sure you are on a plan that aligns with your goals.

Our offer to you: If you’d like to come in, see one of our doctors to discuss a Corrective Care or Maintenance Care, or how Chiropractic Care or Functional Medicine might support your body, then you can do so by claiming our $19 new patient special. Simply select the location you want to visit, give us a call, and we’ll look forward to meeting you!