Looking for Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Colorado Springs? You are at the right place. At Thrive Health Systems, we are proud to offer specialized care through the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic technique, which is used to adjust Atlas vertebrae. Dr. Erik Arter is a certified orthogonal chiropractor at our Center, offering Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Colorado Springs.
For many years, Dr. Arter has worked in an Atlas Orthogonal-only clinic in Arizona and brings this knowledge and experience to the good people of Colorado Springs. He is very knowledgeable about this particular gentle and precise chiropractic technique that makes Thrive Health distinct.
What Is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic?
Atlas orthogonal or ao chiropractic technique is a specialized chiropractic approach that treats disorders in the neck and head, especially atlas (first vertebrae at the base of your skull). It is a safe and effective method for aligning the spine and improving the brain and nerve system connection. When in the optimal orthogonal position, the atlas is positioned at a 90-degree angle with respect to the skull and neck. This keeps the skull in place and permits the spine to align appropriately. A percussion instrument is used to accomplish the atlas bone chiropractic, and it is a painless process.
How Is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Different?
Unlike general chiropractic adjustments, the atlas orthogonal chiropractic care uses a highly specialized instrument designed by Dr. Roy Sweat in collaboration with Georgia Tech University. An orthogonist chiropractor uses an instrument to deliver precise adjustments to the upper cervical spine with remarkable accuracy, focusing specifically on the Atlas bone.
- Precise: The Atlas orthogonal chiro targets the exact misalignment of the Atlas.
- Gentle: The process is non-invasive and often painless, making it ideal for those who prefer a softer approach.
- Effective: By aligning the Atlas bone, your entire body can experience relief as the nervous system functions more efficiently.
Why Is Atlas Alignment So Important?
Your Atlas bone is responsible for keeping your head aligned with the spine, ensuring that your eyes and inner ears remain level with the horizon. When this delicate balance is disrupted due to Atlas misalignment, your body instinctively compensates. This compensation can lead to a wide range of issues throughout the body, including:
- Headaches
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Lower back pain
- Pelvic misalignment
- Hip, knee, and ankle discomfort
The misalignment in the Atlas bone also affects the brainstem, which is responsible for vital life processes like breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. What does that mean? Well, that means a change in the spine, most importantly in the Atlas. However, proper communication within the nervous system can cure not only pain but also improve general health.
What Conditions Can Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Help With?
By targeting the Atlas bone, the atlas manipulation chiropractic technique can help with a variety of conditions, including:
- Chronic migraines and headaches
- Vertigo and balance issues
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Spinal misalignment
- Back pain
- TMJ dysfunction
- Postural problems
In addition, this technique is often used for those seeking to improve their overall well-being by ensuring their nervous system operates at its highest efficiency.
Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Care: A Unique Approach
Dr. Arter’s orthogonal atlas chiropractic care focuses on restoring the body’s balance by correcting the Atlas bone misalignment. When the Atlas is positioned, the entire spine, shoulders, hips, and even extremities such as knees and ankles benefit. Thus, choosing Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Colorado Springs would heal your entire body.
Benefits of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic:
Chiropractic atlas orthogonal treatment can have the following benefits.
- Improved nerve function
- Increased range of motion
- Reduced tension in the neck and shoulders
- Better posture and spinal alignment
- Decreased pain and discomfort
- Improved dizziness and vertigo
- Enhanced overall health and vitality
What Can You Expect During an Atlas Orthogonal Treatment?
The atlas and axis chiropractic adjustment is unlike traditional chiropractic manipulations. There’s no cracking or twisting involved. Instead, the atlas adjustment chiropractor uses the Atlas Orthogonal instrument to make a precise and gentle adjustment to the C-1 vertebra.
- The treatment is comfortable, and most patients report feeling little to no discomfort.
- Adjustments typically take only a few minutes, but the results can be long-lasting.
- Many patients experience relief after just one session of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, though a series of treatments may be necessary for optimal results.
Is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Right for You?
If you suffer from chronic pain, headaches, or some other inexplicable discomfort and no other treatments have helped, Atlas Adjustment Chiropractic in Colorado Springs could be the cure you’re looking for. Misalignments in the Atlas bone are often overlooked but can have far-reaching effects on your health.
Who Should Consider Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic?
Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is an excellent choice for people seeking a non-invasive, exact way to treat many health conditions. Here is the list of patients who should consider Chiropractor Atlas Adjustment in Colorado Springs.
- Individuals suffering from chronic pain that hasn’t responded to other treatments
- Patients with neck or spine issues seeking a gentle, precise approach
- Those dealing with neurological symptoms such as migraines or vertigo
- People looking to improve their posture and overall spinal health
Schedule a Consultation Today
Don’t let your atlas pain ruin your line. Learn how Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Colorado Springs can help you. Schedule an appointment for a free consultation with Dr. Erik Arter. At Thrive Health System, our expert AO chiropractor in Colorado Springs can assist you in getting healthy and living well.
Call us today at 719.475.8676 to take advantage of our $19 new patient special, which includes a consultation, exam, and treatment plan customized to your needs.