If you’ve stumbled onto this webpage and you live in Colorado Springs, you are likely wondering, “What in the world auricular therapy?”
To explain, first consider:
What if there was a way you could tell what points in your brain and nervous system were functioning at less than optimum level?
What if these low functioning areas were contributing to your pain, depression, or even addictions and compulsive disorders?
Auricular therapy is the art and science of locating these malfunctioning “channels” in your brain and bringing them back to function.
The term auricular therapy comes from the word “auricle,” which is the outer part of the ear. The treatment is performed on the “auricle” of the ear.
If you are skeptical, you should be. This is probably the first time you’ve ever heard of auricular therapy. We understand. That’s why we’ve attached three patient stories at the bottom of this article.
If you are interested in the scientific details of auricular therapy, check out what wiki has to say about its development.
This is all done with an instrument – that looks like the stylus in the photo – that tells the practitioner, electronically, where the electric signals of the brain are deficient.
The stylus, using a micro-electric signal, then activates that area, via the ear.
The result is better functioning and more integrated nervous system.
1. Joe is a man that is no stranger to hard work and manual labor. Most of his life he was behind the wheel of a big rig as he drove logging trucks across the frozen lakes of Alaska. He suffered many traumas in his line of work, but his philosophy was just “keep trucking.” Smoking was something that he just grew up doing and was readily accepted by all who knew him.
He confessed that he had tried to quit many times to no avail. Joe was interested in trying auricular therapy to tackle his addiction. With the help of auricular therapy, Joe quit smoking.
2. Sean’s mother brought him to see me after they had noticed an essential tremor in his hands. The mother explained that her 17 year old son had had many concussions and head injuries as a result of sports.
Also, Sean’s mother confessed she knew he drank and smoked but she didn’t know how much. Sean’s pattern of tremors matched a neurological pattern in his brain. After Sean’s first treatment he went home and fell fast asleep.
At his next visit, he divulged that the night he left the office and the following day, whenever he thought of smoking he felt nauseated and he didn’t have the normal urge to drink.
As an added benefit his tremor was greatly improved.
3. A 27 year old male we’ll call Jacob had dealt with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) since the age of 14. Jacob traveled four hours and stayed in a hotel to receive auricular therapy. When Jacob first began treatment, he couldn’t hold a job or perform normal functions.
During treatment, Jacob improved so much that his mother began to call (multiple times) asking what we were doing to him because this was the first time she had seen him smiling and whistling around the house. His spirits were up, which was only a sign that he was improving. As a result of Jacob’s treatment, he now holds a job and has gotten his life back to state prior to his OCD.