Kaiser Health News said that 75% of all health care dollars (about $2.2 Trillion or $2,200,000,000,000) is spent on chronic, preventable disease.
Nearly 80% of Americans will die from lifestyle diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and many cancers.
What does this mean?
It means that the quickest way to revolutionize our health care system is to change our lifestyle habits, and food is at the top of the list.
While we offer supplements at Thrive Health Systems, we do not promote supplementing over bad lifestyle choices. We help patients change their habits.
Changing your dietary habits is the most powerful way to change your health. We find it ironic that Hippocrates, said to be the “Father of Medicine,” said “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine thy food.” We should listen to our “dad.”
We help patients determine what foods they could be allergic to or have an intolerance to. We help patients lose weight. We help patient reduce inflammation levels – what Time Magazine called on their front cover America’s Number 1 “Silent Killer.”
By removing dietary interference, the body is better able to heal itself.
Call today to get on track to building into your body, rather than stealing from it.