So what do we test?
It depends on what someone is experiencing for a problem.
If someone is complaining of back or neck pain, we generally start with a range of motion test, a functional movement test, and x-rays. This series of diagnostics will tell us:
- How something is moving
- How something ISN’T moving
- What something looks like with x-ray vision
We then evaluate and analyze those diagnostics to come to a conclusion about what is the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.
Did you know that:
- There are normal standards for spinal curves, and who they should measure?
- There are normal standards for disc height between spinal discs?
- There are normal standards for ranges of motion?
There are! And when someone comes in with pain, problems, and dysfunction, it shows up in testing, and allows us to narrow down the scope of problems to something specific, so that we can address it directly.
This kind of testing keeps us from chasing our tails and wasting patient time and money. It helps us get aligned on exactly what the problem may be, and what’s causing the problem. Once that is nailed, the only question is “how do we address it?”
It’s the same with internal issues.
We start with comprehensive blood testing. We see what’s going on, and what biomarkers are out of standards. We use those results to understand “the story” that the body is telling, and why the problem exists in the first place. Once we know what the problem is, we can then address is appropriately.
But if we don’t do that…
If we just start “slinging” solutions without doing proper testing first, then it’s just guessing. And we value our patients way too much to guess.
TAKEAWAY: When it comes to health, we don’t guess. We test.
Our offer to you: If you’d like to come in, see one of our doctors to discuss diagnostics, or how Chiropractic Care or Functional Medicine might support your body, then you can do so by claiming our $19 new patient special. Simply select the location you want to visit, give us a call, and we’ll look forward to meeting you!